Friday, July 13, 2012

GM Grahamstown dealership the pits

For all it's great delights especially at festival time, don't ever come to Grahamstown with a GM vehicle that may require emergency servicing - because the local dealership, Kenrich Motors is the pits.
And the dealership's poor service is inversely proportional to the size of dealer principal Dean Kent's ego.
A friend's Chevy Spark broke down on the first weekend of the fest. It required numerous queries to fully ascertain what steps the dealership was taking to properly diagnose the problem.
Ten days later - and 3 days after the mass exit from town at the end of the festival - she was still waiting for her car to be released, despite commitments from Kent right down to the hour the job would be done.
This mechanical fiasco necessitated additional logistics arrangements that cost around R4000, apart from the emotional trauma of waiting around with no certainty about what's going on.
A complaint to Kent elicited a rant about my "pompous attitude" and that he really didn't "give a damn".
I'm hoping that GMSA cares enough about it's brand and customer experiences to slap down a dealer who shows scant regard for either.
But then again, perhaps I shouldn't hold my breath.

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